by admin | Jan 29, 2020 | Morgan Malone's Blog
I almost died in 2019. After an arduous two weeks of writing a legal document (in my other life I am an arbitrator), I had a blinding headache, a droopy eyelid and double vision. I chalked it up to eye strain (I almost failed high school Biology and this is why I...
by admin | Apr 6, 2019 | Morgan Malone's Blog
Welcome Spring! I say that with three inches of newly fallen snow on my lawn! But, there are buds on the Magnolia trees and I saw a really fat Robin hopping across the yard this morning so I am hopeful. It’s been awhile since I blogged…long cold winter, new grandson...
by admin | Dec 7, 2016 | Morgan Malone's Blog
I’ve been reading romance since I was in the sixth grade and my mother gave me her copy of Gone with the Wind. I get lost in the stories, identify with the heroine and fall in love with the hero. Fast forward fifty years! I’m not 12 years old. I’m...
by admin | Sep 25, 2016 | Morgan Malone's Blog
It is almost October. My office was a mess from a summer of conventions, injuries, legal work (remember, I am still a labor law contract grievance/disciplinary charge arbitrator) and a half-dozen almost completed and just-in-the-outline-stage projects. Instead of...
by admin | Sep 6, 2016 | Morgan Malone's Blog
It’s September. It was a long, hot summer, and I am welcoming the cool breezes I felt this morning when I let Marley out for his morning patrol around the back yard. Already the shad trees in the front yard are shedding their small golden leaves – the day...