It is almost October. My office was a mess from a summer of conventions, injuries, legal work (remember, I am still a labor law contract grievance/disciplinary charge arbitrator) and a half-dozen almost completed and just-in-the-outline-stage projects.
Instead of writing, I’ve been cleaning. Three arbitration awards, the last chapter of 32 Days, the final 2/3 of Rick: Taking Control and the outline for my entry into Barefoot Bay Kindle World were languishing on my desk. I couldn’t find the words I needed for any of them.
So…I cleaned. I rearranged, disposed of, dusted, moved, gave away and then hung up a new 12-month school calendar to track my progress from this day forth. I feel recharged.
And, all of you out there, benefit from my cleaning frenzy with this amazing opportunity to win some rally cool swag from RT2016 in Vegas!
I’m giving away a goodie bag from RT2016 full of great swag, including shot glasses, notebooks, free e-book downloads and at least six books, one of which is my first erotic romance, Katarina: Out of Control!
Just sign up on my contact form to receive my December newsletter with announcements about my books to be published in 2017. Romantic memoir, ex-Special ops dominating male, Dr. Hottie Rock Star on the beach and maybe one or two pirates!
I hope to hear from you! I have two more bags of swag and books to giveaway! I want to keep this office clean so I can write!