Frequently Asked Questions

Morgan Malone black and white photo but lips are colored red

Common Questions and Answers

Some of the questions I receive relate to how I develop my plots and characters. Are the characters based in real life? Are the places within my books actual locations I have visited?

Below I have selected some of the most common questions asked of me and provided some narratives which I hope will prove helpful in providing answers. Of course, if your question is not answered here you can always fill out my contact form and I will respond as soon as I can.


Can you tell us about your family?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
I have two children. My daughter is a Clinical Psychologist living in Westchester County, where she is on staff at a juvenile residential facility for youth. My son is in Real Estate and environmental permitting. He is married to my delightful daughter-in-law, who is a Registered Nurse. They have two wonderful sons who love to read and play Legos at my house. My “bonus” son, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, works with veterans and he and his partner have a beautiful baby girl. I am currently without a pet after the recent passing of my diva dog, Princess. But, I know that down the road, there will be another fur baby in my house.

Which author(s) do you admire?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
I admire anyone who sits in their chair and puts words on the screen or on paper. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. That being said, I have been reading romance since I was twelve years old, and my mother let me into her collection. I fell in love with historical romances, especially books written by Frank Yerby. I still reach for historical romance when I want to escape. I love Courtney Milan, Eloisa James, Sarah Mclean and Kerrigan Byrne. Like almost everyone, I adore Nora Roberts and her alter-ego, JD Robb. And I love the books written by my author friends: Lucinda Race, Maddie James, Kris Norris, Dee Mullin, Lisa Olech, Kathryn Hill, Judy Kentrus, Gracie Guy.

What do you like the most about being an author?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
I love being able to write and not to have to make excuses for the time I spend doing it. I love seeing the first copy of my newest book and holding it in my hands. But, most of all, I love talking to readers about my books, listening to their likes and dislikes and sharing stories.

If we were to meet for lunch to talk books, where would we go?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
We’d go to Northshire Books in Saratoga Springs, NY. There is a great bakery attached to the store where we would drink pots of tea and eat quiche and the best cupcakes, while surrounded by books.
The back of Morgan Malone's head as she is writing on the computer

What’s your motto in life?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
“The past should be left in the past. Otherwise, it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.” I don’t know who said that, but I have it posted above my desk.

What does your writing process look like?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
An idea comes to me. If I am smart, I write it down. If I am lucky, I can find the note after I’ve written it down. Then, I sit in my chair in my little office (which used to be the guest room) and I start writing. Sometimes I start with a love scene, sometimes I start at the beginning, sometimes I just start writing about the idea or the character that started it all. There are days when all I write is one good paragraph and there are days when I write thousands of words, and now that I am writing an historical series; in order to keep track of all the dates, I have a whiteboard I love-a Birthday gift from Dr. Daughter.

How do you go about choosing the names of your characters?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Some are based on people who inspired the characters, like Denise in Adventure, Vicke and Hank in Treasure and Maggie in Losing Control. Sometimes, I ask readers for a name, like when I was writing Out of Control and I named one of the characters Fred as I wrote. I asked readers to give me a sexy, Jewish lawyer’s name, and they came up with Zack. In my memoirs, I change most names to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

How long have you been an author?

Your Subtitle Goes Here
My first story was published when I was in Second Grade, in a collection of award-winning stories by elementary students in NYS. I waited fifty years for my next story to be published in 2009. And my first three books came out in 2015.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?

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Computer, though I take notes in longhand, in one of my many pink notebooks. Add: I now also use my brand-new whiteboard and lots of color-coordinated Post-it notes.

What is your favorite/least favorite part of the writing/publishing process?

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My favorite is when the idea comes to me and I am lost in the possibilities of a great story. My least favorite is going through galley proofs line by line. I know it’s the last step but I am impatient for the book to be out!

What’s your favorite love story – movie or book?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Pearl Cove by Elizabeth Lowell. And The Saracen Blade by Frank Yerby.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Yes. I fell in love with my late husband the first time I saw him and almost fifty years later, after over thirty-five years as a widow, I’m still in love.